Final Review
5 points - N@tM
2.5: Presence and involvement at the N@tM on June 1st from 6:00PM to 7:30PM
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2.5: General day to day activity in classroom: engaged, eager, effort
20 Points - Meeting Tech Guidelines
Individual Assignments and Completion
Requirements verified and accepted by the sponsor
Presentation at the N@tM
Presentation and requirement completion provided to the teacher
1 minute commercial video on project
5 Points - Meeting new tech requirements
Database with multiple tables
Authentication and authorization controls
Meaningful Capture (ex: notes/upload and associated tables)
Creativity and applications of new Tech feature features to Sponsor Project
5 Points - Teacher Final Assessment
Documentation of Individual Tech Requirements
Showing Success/Achievement
On my original Slayers project, I implimented CRUD and began to work on Authentication. However, since we switched projects I had to change gears to help with the calendar update. I also implimented my page into the new website, changing the colors and format of the page to better fit their theme. Over the corse of the trimester I learned a lot more about databases and how to impliment them through trial in error. Additionally, I also made upgrades to my find your counsolor code in making it harder to glitch out and not starting the page with a couslor already up. Finally, I also commented out my code so students could learn from it better.
Self Grade Assessment (Total: Individual and Team)
Documentation of Project, Meeting Tech Guidelines
Showing Engagement (Tickets, Scrum Board)
Maintaining Master Plan
Sponsor Assessment (GitHub Pages)
Team Assessment (Team Score)